About Drone 21

We’re Here For You!

Our Expertise

At Drone 21, our main objective is to deliver outstanding service and top-notch image quality in the quickest time possible. Leveraging a wide variety of platforms, we ensure that every detail is beautifully showcased from above. Our experienced team of professionals understands the unique needs of the construction industry and is dedicated to meeting and exceeding client expectations.

Meet the Team

Cameron Hardy

Paul Hardy

At Drone 21, we understand the unique needs of different sectors and tailor our services accordingly. Our skilled team is well-versed in capturing stunning aerial shots that showcase your projects or properties in the best light. With our state-of-the-art equipment and a commitment to precision, we ensure exceptional results that meet your specific requirements.

Contact us

Email - info@drone21.co.uk

Contact - 0114 470 1505

Location - Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK